When teacher Nora returns home after being held by the government, the application of the Medusa protocol shows her in videos that she was supplanted by a robot identical to her. Discovering what happened in her absence between her husband and a non-submissive version of her could change her life.

Festivals, awards and nominations

Selección oficial Blood Window Forum 2020 (Proyecto en desarrollo)
Selección Oficial Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara 2021
Selección Oficial (Competencia mexicana y muestra Fantascorto) Shorts México 2022
Selección Oficial en Cinetekton! 2022

Coming soon
Carlos Trujano
Ángeles Cruz, Eligio Meléndez, Belém López, Tania Noriega, Oscar Serrano
country of origin
production year
Picture of Carlos Trujano

Carlos Trujano

Director y guionista, con el cortometraje Desaparecido producido por IMCINE fue nominado a la Diosa de Plata 2017. Con Getsemaní: Ego Sum Lux Mundi, ganó la Diosa de Plata 2018. Hierba Mala, fue ganador de la competencia en línea del 17° FICM, Lusca Fantastic Fest, Feratum, Espanto, Animal, entre otros. Actualmente se encuentra en postproducción de su ópera Prima de ficción #Rats, ganadora del apoyo FOCINE para producción de óperas primas del IMCINE en 2021.


Cortometrajes: Desaparecido, 2016 Getsemaní: Ego Sum Lux Mundi, 2018 Hierba Mala, 2019 Medusa, 2021 Largometrajes #Rats ( post producción) Danza natural (Documental en post producción)


ScreenwriterCarlos Trujano
ProductionAna Mary Ramos i Dyann Ibargüen
MusicKarina Rivero
EditionCarlos Trujano


International sales agentVoyeur Films

Also in TerrorMolins TV

October 17, 1961, "Algerian workers" take to the streets to protest against the mandatory curfew imposed by the police prefecture.

Among the ashes of a forest fire, in front of the Patagonian mountains, a charred being meets the rabbit to dance in the heights. The dance takes us to another space, where men in wolf skins worship the Christian gods.

An irresponsible young couple got a possessed doll by accident, the doll quickly turns into an extremely high maintenance baby overnight. The couple must learn to care for this newly born before it wreaks havoc on their lives.

A young woman turns on the tv to watch her favourite Korean romantic drama but realizes to her horror that she may be the one being watched. *Available online from November 3